Thursday, January 31, 2008


October 2008 Trip to DeGray Lake, Arkansas

We were turned on to DeGray Lake by Matt and Julie Evans about 2 years ago and just can't stay away. We've already made many lasting memories there and will continue taking bi annual trips there every year. These pictures here are from our trip with some of our best friends, the Bassetts, Annie, Kevin, Hannah, and Tyler. It was the 1st camping trip our 2 families had gone on together and we had a blast! We kayaked, hiked, fished, and spent many hours around the campfire. The highlights for the kids were playing in the hammock, playing with the worms (instead of fishing with them), riding the jeep around the campsite, making smores, telling ghost stories (or singing bars of High School Musical ballads...thanks Cassidy) around the campfire, watching Ranger Jason's show on wild animals of the Ozarks and getting to touch a real alligator & 2 snakes, and just spending time with our dearest friends. I think both families will agree....we can't wait to get back to the Great Outdoors!
Broken Bow Oklahoma Spring Break 2008 or Bust!


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